Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This photo is a representation of when Orpheus went to the underworld to retrieve his love, Eurydice. Hades told him he could take Eurydice only if he did not look at her until they were out of the underworld. He turned and looked at her, though, and she disappeared.
For this photo I blackened out the other end of the tunnel and then erased the people. I had cut Sami out and added her back in, decreasing the opacity of her layer so she is 'fading away'.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

HAHA favorite comedic love song :)

I watched you watching me
From laboratory 5
The breathing mask and safety goggles
Accentuate your eyes

Chemistry cannot explain
This burning I feel inside
You've catalyzed a titration
That's nebulized my mind

Suddenly I feel
That which the method would never allow
I try to abide by the methodology
When all I want is to follow my heart
But when you're a part of the scientific scene,
The greatest monster of all is love
(The Method-We Are Scientists)

Apple of Discord

The story of the apple of discord tells about when the goddess of discord throws a golden apple into a wedding reception claiming that it belongs to the fairest of women. Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena all believed themselves to be the fairest and fought over the apple, ruining the party.
For this photo I first tried to make the apple look gold by painting over it with a gold color with the opacity down. I then emphasized the shines on the apple with a star-like shaped white paintbrush. I added a gaussian blur and then blurred the girls in the background a bit as well, erasing their outstretched hands.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tips from Gavin

Using one of Gavin Hoey's tutorials I added the sunbeams coming from the clouds in this picture using the cloud filter and radial blurs. The tutorial also showed how to add the reflections in the water using the paintbrush and blurs.

Green World

For a green photo in honor of St. Patrick's Day, I took a picture of moss because the texture is very cool. I darkened the edges of the photo and changed the curves to increase contrast. I lastly added adjusted the colors enhancing the green.

My Little Planet

This is my mini-planet. I took a picture of the horizon at the edge of a field at sunset. Blending the edge was difficult and I needed to smudge the sky around the rest of the picture besides the edge to make it look more natural.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Portraits 2

For Janelle's photo I blurred the background and slightly enhanced her eyes. I then added a warm layer.

For Abby's photo I blurred it slightly and erased around her eyes and lips. I added a warm filter and enhanced her eyes.

Friday, March 5, 2010


For Emma's portrait on the left, I enhanced her eyes and increased the saturation slightly because the photo was a little washed out. For Lynzie's on the right, I created a duplicate layer and blurred it, then erased her and her puppy. I did a gaussian blur as well, decreasing the opacity because it was too intense. I enhanced her eyes as well.

For Abby's portrait on the left, I only tried to enhance what's visible of her eyes. For my dad's on the right, I did added a blur layer and erased him to blur the background. I increased the saturation as well, erasing his shirt because it became too bright.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Color Psychology

For this photo I was walking outside as the sun was going down and noticed the blue hues in the footprints in the snow. I thought it looked cold and a little depressing in the fading light, so I took a photo, using the tree to add interest, and enhanced the blue a little bit in photoshop.

I took a photo of a bunch of lip products to capture the intensity of the color red. I think that the photo shows the confidence that can be achieved through this color. I first did a gaussian blur to make the colors bolder, then did a blur overlay and erased the lipstick to make it stand out.

I think green shows liveliness and this photo really captures that. The movement in the photo also creates this energy. I used a gaussian blur to enhance it slightly.

For this photo I noticed the gold eyeshadow my sister was wearing and decided that I wanted to take a picture of the eyeshadow but more intense. I added more eyeshadow to her and took the photo outside so the sun would glint gold in her hair. I think the gold makes her look deceptive because some people see gold and think of fools gold and trickery. I did a gaussian blur to make the color bolder and a blur overlay, erasing the eye to enhance the photo.

The Yellow Wallpaper

In response to "The Yellow Wallpaper" I took a picture of my sister standing in front of a mirror. I used photoshop to make the wall look a dull yellow and also take her image out of the mirror. I thought this would represent losing yourself. This relates to the story because the main narrator goes crazy and begins to believe that she is a woman in the wallpaper.

Friday, February 19, 2010


My attractive images above did not require much editing. I chose to photograph beads because most people find beads or gems attractive because of the bright colors and shine. For that image I did a gaussian blur and made the image lighter(instead of selecting overlay). I did not enhance the flower, which I chose because it looked feathery and very soft.

I chose to photograph rust and moss for my repulsive images. I found a cool example of rust on the vent on the grill in my backyard. I used a gaussian blur and increased the saturation slightly to make the colors bolder and increase the contrast a bit. There's a tree in my yard that is covered in moss. My favorite part is the gray patch of it, but getting a closer shot of the gray moss I found difficult to focus well. I did a gaussian blur, erasing the blur over the moss to keep the detail.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Simple Things

I tried to show that the simple things in life should be appreciated in this montage. I tried taking pictures of simple objects like an apple, a book, and water. I added the smile to show the happiness in these things.

Part of a Whole

In this montage I am trying to show that you are only a part of a whole, a small part of the universe. One of many. I tried including images that have many things, like leaves, grapes, and snowflakes. The card with the girl is supposed to show that she is a singular card of a bunch. I like how the snow turned out looking similar to a shot of the night sky and strengthens the idea that we are a small part of the universe.

Four Enhancements

The first photo I enhanced using a yellow-green neon glow. I like how it made the image a little hazy and softer. The second I used a gaussian blur to add contrast and make the colors look bolder. The third photo I filtered the background. I like how the gravel is now less distracting because it isn't as sharp and actually looks almost painted. The last photo was an easy blur and made the image look softer and sort of dreamy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day ---> Night

I took this photo in a cemetary off dr. I had to separate the building from the background because the sky was so light that to darken the image enough made the building too dark.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Monday, February 1, 2010


I picked an underwater background and some underwater creatures because I ocean life is intriguing to me. For other objects I picked things important to my life, such as a phone to show communication and headphones to show my love for music.